Call for Trainers

We are now accepting entries/applications from trainers for our November 2009 international educational conference. The deadline for submission of proposals is June 25, 2009.

Rearden Educational only deals with veteran and highly qualified trainers from around the globe. It is paramount that these experts possess a rich background in education and an ability to organize practical “hands on” workshops. Trainers who have international experience in conducting workshops and training sessions that address issues of relevance to students, teachers and schools are encouraged to apply.

If you wish to be on our database of trainers, kindly contact us.

Trainer information pack must include the following:
Curriculum vitae
Video and/or link, if any, featuring you in front of a live audience
List of references and their contact information
List of books and or articles that you have published
List of topics/ sessions you speak on
Website address, if available
Contact details including email address


Download our Proposal Submission Form


Send your trainer pack to:

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A Rearden Educational Conference