The workshops are practical refreshers about 2 hours long. Sufficient time is afforded to interact with the trainer, network with other teachers, and exchange teaching experiences. Most sessions are followed by a short question and answer session.
Motivation and Youth Empowerment
Effective Teaching
Social Skills
English Language
Classroom Management
Workshops in Arabic
Motivation and Youth Empowerment
It’s A Marathon….Not A Sprint!
By Tara Brown
With an 18 year extensive holistic background as a certified massage therapist and an educator, Tara has experienced the fatigue, stress, and frustration from both sides of the equation. As true professionals, we have an obligation to ourselves and to our students to be proactive in activities that will keep us at the ‘Top of our Game’… EVERY DAY. Topics such as work environment, nutrition/exercise, the impact of stress and down time and much more will be examined. Knowing the toll that a school year can take on educators emotionally, physically and mentally, this worshop serves as a vital reminder of what is truly important if one is to navigate the challenges and demands that educators experience year in and year out.
Audience: All educators
Youth Empowerment: Encouraging Young People As Responsible Decision Makers
By Margaret Mary Kelly, MBE
This session will look at ways of building the confidence and skills of young people in helping to set the direction of whole school policies both within and outside of the classroom. It will introduce participants to ways in which this has been tackled in The United Kingdom and some of the achievements of young people. It will allow participants to explore their personal approach to engaging with young people and to reflect on its appropriateness in a world that increasingly targets young people as consumers and future political and community leaders. The session will build on the talk ‘ Effective Leadership in Schools’.
Audience: All educators
This year as well, Rearden Educational will give focus to the concept of “Debate” at TeachME conference. There will be a talk, a workshop and a live debate between two opposing student teams.
Student Debate Session: Arabic Language in Private Schools Should Be Optional for Foreign Students
By Chris Lundberg, Dr.
Witness a live debate between two sides of a school debate-team resolve the highly relevant topic of whether the teaching of Arabic language should be optional for foreign students in private schools or not.
The Dubai Modern High School students will be representing the proposition and opposition teams.
Audience: All educators and students of middle and secondary schools
Best Practices in Teaching Public Speaking and Debate
Chris Lundberg, Dr.
As the world changes and speeds up, less and less emphasis is placed on one of life’s most critical skills: listening. Listening is a skill that is taken for granted in many classrooms, but which actually takes practice and work just like any other skill. This session will help attendees build listening practice into their classrooms, and will discuss techniques such as effective note-taking and integrating classroom discussion across the curriculum to help students develop and practice effective listening habits.
Audience: All educators
Effective Teaching
The Shut-Down Learner: Understanding The Academically Discouraged Child
By Richard Selznick, Dr.
Academic struggling and discouragement can profoundly affect an individual and a family. The typical Shut-Down Learner becomes increasingly insecure and disconnected over time, putting considerable strain on the family, as increased tensions contribute to a downward spiraling of negative communication. There are common themes with most Shut-Down Learners. Many of these kids thrive with hands-on tasks that “load” on visual and spatial abilities. In spite of their early school difficulties, many very successful adults are former shut-down learners. Coming from a variety of different professions, such as entrepreneurs, architects, executives, among others, the most significant variable they share is their talent in the visual spatial dimension of ability, along with their dislike of reading, spelling and writing. Within this workshop Dr. Selznick will discuss the lifespan variables for most Shut-Down Learners, signs to watch for and ways for parents and teachers to intervene.
Audience: All educators, parents, and clinicians
Diagnostic Indicators Of The Stages Of Reading Development. Signposts To Guide Instruction
By Richard Selznick, Dr.
The late, renowned Harvard professor, Dr. Jeanne Chall highlighted a practical model of reading development where she reviewed five stages of reading development. Understanding these stages diagnostically is very powerful for teachers as this understanding leads to a firm roadmap of what the child needs at any given time. Once the stages are fully grasped, then direction with the child becomes much clearer and what would be the most appropriate instructional vehicle for the child. Parents, too, can benefit from this model, as the information can help guide what type of intervention (e.g., style of tutoring) is needed for the child. The workshop will focus on: • What characteristics to look for at each stage. • The indicators that will tell when a child is ready to move to the next stage • How to support development or what works instructionally • Specific diagnostic procedures that teachers can use for any given stage.
Audience: All educators, and parents
The foundational belief for differentiation is that all students learn in a variety of ways and have different interests and learning profiles. Differentiating instruction means creating multiple paths so that student of different abilities, interests, or learning needs experience equally appropriate ways to absorb, use, develop, and present concepts as part of the daily learning process. Differentiation allows students to take greater responsibility and ownership for their own learning, and provides opportunities for peer teaching and cooperative learning. In order to best support all learners there are four basic differentiation strategies that must be addressed when planning instructional strategies: content, process, product and environment. These differentiation approaches will be examined in detail with supporting examples throughout this session.
Audience: All educators
Collaboratively Identifying Student Needs And Interventions
By Noella Piquette-Tomei, Dr.
Educational facilities that successfully include all students must employ a range of strategies and techniques so teachers can gain the support they need. A teacher-helping-teacher strategy has proven to be a dynamic and effective method of creating successful collaborative consultation among educators in their quest to meet student needs. This collaborative effort, entitled the School Resource Team (SRT) proceeds through an orderly sequence of steps from the initial problem to the development and implementation a plan to resolve it. The SRT can become involved in interactive planning, decision-making and problem solving related to individual student concerns or for school wide solution implementation. This session will outline a best practice model for creating a collaborative school resource team with hands on activities for identifying school staff who desire to work productively toward a shared goal of student achievement, issue identification, brainstorming for interventions, evaluation of progress and monitoring of SRT success.
Audience: All educators
Social Skills
“Mom. Why Won’t Anyone Play With Me?” The Often Unspoken Social Side Of Learning Disabilities & Shut-Down Learners
By Richard Selznick, Dr.
Children with learning disabilities and attention-based disorders often struggle socially. They face a dual challenge that may seem insurmountable - developing competence in both the academic and social arenas. While parents and teachers often focus on the academic deficits of such children, there is frequently an unspoken and largely misunderstood social component to learning disabilities. A multitude of variables contribute to these social problems. Some of these variables include poor recognition of cause & effect, weak “reading” of social signals, impulsivity, and pervasive insecurity. Unfortunately, children with these issues may be perceived as “annoying” or “irritating” by others, leading to further rejection, as being associated with this challenging child is itself a problem to the other children. Helping teachers and parents understand the mechanisms leading to the complex social dynamics with these children is the emphasis of this workshop. An eye toward helping these children navigate difficult social waters with specific skills and strategies will be the focus of the workshop.
Audience: All educators and parents
Effective education requires attention to both the academic and social development of students. Social ability is made up of many interactive components (e.g., communication and role-taking, context, goals, etc.) that are often gained implicitly rather than explicitly. Social skill deficits are often manifested in ways that negatively impact their peers. Typically students will show signs when they are having social difficulties (e.g., aggression, withdrawal) that need to be recognized, monitored and understood. When teachers discover the cause of the social difficulty they are then in a good position to make a decision about a particular social intervention, hence it is important for teachers to consider social assessment and intervention. In this session the focus will be on identifying social ability barriers and effective social skill development techniques. The bulk of the workshop will consist of practical (and fun!) hands on activities that can be introduced in a classroom atmosphere or more intensively with an individual student.
Audience: All educators
One of the biggest hurdles young people face in an accelerating world is the challenge of interpreting information from different, often conflicting, media outlets. This session will explore media literacy techniques that teach students to unpack and critically examine information they receive from a variety of media. When students build an understanding of how persuasive techniques work, they are able to challenge and critically evaluate information rather than being passive receivers of information.
Audience: All educators
Using ePals Projects to Build 21st Century Reading, Writing, and Thinking Skills
By William H. Teale, Dr.
This workshop involves participants in a ‘hands-on’ examination of the use of ePals projects, which are designed to foster students’ higher level reading, writing, and thinking skills.
Audience: Teachers of Grades 3 to 6
Using In2Books to Build 21st Century Reading, Writing, and Thinking Skills
By William H. Teale, Dr.
This workshop involves participants in a ‘hands-on’ examination of the use of In2Books, which is designed to foster students’ higher level writing, reading, and thinking skills.
Audience: Teachers of Grades 3 to 6
This workshop looks at some practical ways that teachers can make use of the collaborative learning potentials of Web 2.0 technologies to support classroom learning. Drawing on some of the technologies introduced in Social Networks, Micro Blogging and User Generated Content, participants will explore some of the ways these technologies could be used to encourage and support collaborative learning through classroom projects, homework and inter school collaborations. During the workshop we will also consider legal, ethical and technical support issues connected to using Web 2.0 technologies for collaborative learning. The workshop aims to provide teachers with practical ideas for developing and supporting online collaborative activities within their own teaching practice.
Audience: All educators
An introduction to Digital Video for Learning
By Vincent O’Brien
Digital video projects can be used to inform and inspire active learning across a wide range of curriculum topics such as recording, analysing and reporting on scientific experiments, developing foreign language skills, personal development, communication and teamwork. This workshop provides an introduction to working with digital video and provides some examples of how children have used video in the classroom. The workshop looks at practical aspects of video making and examines issues such as ethics, cultural sensitivity, copyright and child protection issues which may arise when working with visual learning technologies.
Audience: All educators
English Language
The development of each of processes required for literacy or reading (e.g., vocabulary development, phonological awareness, listening comprehension, emergent text concept, word identification, etc.) are not discrete but are interrelated and dependent on the knowledge of other processes. Research indicates that reading is an interaction between the reader and the written language, through which the reader connects the writer’s message with one’s background knowledge. This definition of reading implies that the learner is actively involved in the reading process, indicating a monitoring and development of skill. The multiple integrated processes involved in literacy often require modifications of materials, strategies, or instruction for struggling learners but the student’s engagement or monitoring may not be considered in the modification. This workshop will identify strategies to support student development of metacognition of their mental processes in order to monitor, regulate, and direct themselves while developing their reading skills. Furthermore, an overview of effective and appropriate reading assessments will be provided to understand how the student processes information and then to select strategies to enhance student’s literacy development.
Audience: All educators
Reading Aloud to Young Children as an Instructional Activity: What?
By William H. Teale, Dr.
Participants will examine the characteristics and examples of books that are good for reading aloud to young children.
Audience: Teachers of KG1 to Grade 2
Reading Aloud to Young Children as an Instructional Activity: How?
By William H. Teale, Dr.
Participants will examine strategies for conducting read alouds that promote different early literacy skills.
Audience: Teachers of KG1 to Grade 2
This session will build on the talk “Effective Leadership in Schools” and will allow participants to explore their own style tendencies and reflect on how their professional practice impacts on staff performance and consequently upon student achievement. It will look at barriers to creating an environment of motivation and ways for individuals to counteract these.
Target audience: Leaders and those who aspire to leadership positions
This session will explore the varying ways in which people learn. It will allow participants to examine their own preferred styles of learning and to look at styles that are difficult or uncomfortable. It will link learning styles with overall brain function and particularly with research on right and left brain processes. It will invite participants to reflect upon student learning and the way in which teacher preferred styles may enhance or limit this. It will look for solutions to any limitations.
Audience: Teachers, coordinators and administrators
This session will look at the characteristics of good teams and the impact they have on school performance. It will look at the power of positive relationships in developing a school ethos that speaks of excellence. It will allow participants to look at their strengths in a team and encourage managers to reflect on how to deploy staff in the most effective manner. It will also explore how to transfer some of this thinking to work with young people.
Audience: All educators
Classroom Management
“We Keep Telling Him You’ve Got To Get Organized…You’ve Got To Get Organized.” Understanding Executive Function Deficits In Practical terms
By Richard Selznick, Dr.
Underlying the profile of many struggling children are core weaknesses with the processes that involve planning, initiating, organizing and sustaining interest in complex tasks. Weaknesses with these skills are being viewed more in the literature as deficits with “executive” tasks or functions. Children with executive function deficits are seen as disconnected, disorganized, scattered, forgetful, unprepared, and unable to independently see a project through to completion. Particular problems surface when the child is asked to perform a task such as the completion of an open-ended writing assignment. Homework battles are also a part of the landscape for families whose children struggle with these abilities. Executive function deficits do not go away and there are no known easy answers. However, with sensible management and a shift in perspective many of the issues of concern can be minimized. Shifting parents and teachers from seeing the child as lacking motivation as the primary problem, is the first step. A number of other strategies will also be reviewed in this workshop.
Audience: All educators, parents, and clinicians
You Are The CEO Of Your Classroom
By Tara Brown
Educators are Leaders…or they better be. This program is designed to help educators re-examine their approach to running their classrooms. Participants will be presented with proven strategies of successful CEO’s and how to best apply those in the classroom. Participants will be guided through an assessment of how they are leading using The 6 Basic Principals of Leadership…Principals used by major corporations around the globe. Discussion on the power of Nonverbal communication and strategies to increase motivation, achievement and engagement will be provided.
Audience: All educators
Draw A Line In The Sand Without Getting Down In The Dirt: Unleashing The Power Of Positive Relationships (Part One)
By Tara Brown
Newsweek reports that on average, teachers lose 5-9 hours of instructional time per week dealing with low level discipline issues. This fast paced session will provide an overview of the research behind the power of relationships in connection with reduced discipline issues, increased engagement and stronger performance. Participants will be provided with 13 proven “Lines in the Sand” that will help any teacher truly be the CEO of their classroom, mean what they say and be in control without losing control each and every day.
Audience: All educators
Draw A Line In The Sand Without Getting Down In The Dirt: Unleashing The Power Of Positive Relationships (Part Two)
By Tara Brown
Participants will be introduced to the highly regarded and research based 40 Developmental Assets through Search Institute. These powerful assets, which play a vital role on self esteem, student achievement, positive choices etc, will be discussed. Other information covered include: strategies to connect in the classroom, how research supports positive student-teacher relationships and powerful information from drop-out and poverty research in regards to relationships and their impact.
Audience: All educators
Building on themes outlined in my talk on “We are how we live: Social Determinants of Health”, this workshop provides participants with an opportunity to explore ways to help pupils identify and analyse everyday events, perceptions, environments and conventions that influence their health choices. During the workshop participants will explore practical ways in which they can work with pupils to examine personal and societal influences on health and well being. The workshop will consider cross curricular activities, whole class and small group learning activities.
Audience: All educators
Healthy Living: a Whole School Approach
By Vincent O’Brien
Focusing on the role of the school as a learning environment and living space this workshop encourages participants to look at some practical ways to design and implement whole school approaches to healthy living. Drawing on a self analysis of participants own school environments the participants will work in groups to examine the health related components of current curriculum content, learning strategies, school policies and physical environments that can help support and promote healthy choices amongst children, families and the wider community. The workshop provides a starting point for participants to begin developing an approach to healthy living suited to their own school environment.
Audience: All educators
Workshops in Arabic
لغة عربية
لغة عربية
تطبيق أبحاث الدماغ داخل صفوف اللغة العربية
المحاضرة: هنادي دية
شهد العقدان الأخيران تطورا في مجال أبحاث الدماغ ألقى بظلاله على الكثير من المفاهيم السائدة حول التعلم واكتساب المعرفة. على ضوء هذه الأبحاث كيف لعملية تعليم وتعلم اللغة العربية أن تتغير؟ هذه الورشة تقدم طرائق ونشاطات مبنية على أبحاث الدماغ تطور عملية "تعلم" اللغة العربية.
الحضور: المعلمون في المراحل كافة
الذكاءات المتعددة في صفوف اللغة العربية
المحاضرة: هنادي دية
تلقي هذه الورشة الضوء على نظرية "الذكاءات المتعددة" لمؤلفها هوارد جاردنر وتأثير هذه النظرية على العملية التعلمية بشكل عام وعلى تعليم اللغة العربية بشكل خاص. كما وتقدم الورشة تدريبا عمليا لكيفية الاستفادة من هذه النظرية في تحضير دروس في اللغة العربية تخاطب الذكاءات المتعددة في الصف.
الحضور: المعلمون في المراحل كافة
عملية الكتابة: خطوة خطوة
المحاضرة: هنادي دية
تقدم الورشة عرضا مفصلا وتدريبا عمليا لخطوات "عملية الكتابة" التي من شأنها تحويل صف الإنشاء إلى مشغل عملي يكون فيه المتعلم مشاركا إيجابيا بالعملية التعليمية وليس متلقيا سلبيا. إنها خطوات متسلسلة تهدف إلى تطوير مهارة الكتابة عند المتعلم.
الحضور: معلمو اللغة العربية من الصف الابتدائي الثالث وحتى السادس
بسمات الكتابة الست
المحاضرة: هنادي دية
تعرّف هذه الورشة بسمات الكتابة الست وتقدم تدريبا عمليا لكيفية استعمال هذه السمات في صفوف الكتابة. تتضمن الورشة نشاطات تدرب على استعمال السمات الست كوسيلة تعلمية وتقويمية على حد سواء.
الحضور: معلمو اللغة العربية من الصف الابتدائي الثالث وحتى السادس
إعادة سرد نصّ... أيُّ سحرٍ فيها؟
المحاضر: سلطان ناصر الدّين
يمتاز الإنسان عن سائر المخلوقات بالعقل والفكر. والفكرُ أصيلٌ, لكنّه يُنَمّى. وثمّةَ مهاراتٌ كثيرةٌ لتنميته. وإعادة سرد نصّ مسموع مهارةٌ لها سحرها في الفكر. من المتوقّع, في نهاية هذه الورشة, أن يكون المشاركون والمشاركات قد تمكّنوا من أن:
يعيدوا سرد نصّ بأكثر من طريقة.
يذكروا مرتكزات إعادة سرد نصّ مسموع.
يبيّنوا أهمّيّة إعادة سرد نصّ مسموع في شخصيّة المتعلّم.
الحضور: معلمو اللّغة العربيّة في السّنوات الابتدائيّة الأولى والثّانية
التّعبير عن الشّعور سُموّ للتّفكير.
المحاضر: سلطان ناصر الدّين
الإنسان جسمٌ وعقلٌ وعاطفةٌ. فإذا كان للعقل دورٌ في إثباتِ إنسانيّة الإنسان, فإنّ للعاطفةِ دورها أيضًا. فهل نربّي أولادَنا على التّعبير عن شعورهم حتّى تنمو لديهم العاطفة الّتي تخدم العقل؟ وكيف نستطيع أن ننمّي فيهم مهارة التّعبير عن الشّعور؟
من المتوقّع, في نهاية هذه الورشة, أن يكون المشاركون والمشاركات قد تمكّنوا من أن:
يعرّفوا بالشّعور.
يجروا نشاطات في التّعبير عن الشّعور.
يبيّنوا أهمّيّة التّعبير عن الشّعور في شخصيّة المتعلّم.
الحضور: معلمو اللّغة العربيّة في السّنوات الابتدائيّة الأولى والثّانية
كيف ألخّص نصًّا ؟
المحاضر: سلطان ناصر الدّين
التّلخيص عمليّة فكريّة مهمّة في عمليّة التّعليم والتّعلّم. وهذه العمليّة لها شروطها وأصولها. ومن المفترض أن يتمكّن الطّلاّب من هذه المهارة لِما لها من فوائد كثيرة على شخصيّتهم.
من المتوقّع, في نهاية هذه الورشة, أن يكون المشاركون والمشاركات قد تمكّنوا من أن:
يعرّفوا بالتّلخيص.
يذكروا شروط التّلخيص وأصوله.
يلخّصوا نصًّا.
يبيّنوا أهمّيّة التّلخيص في عمليّة التّفكير.
الحضور: معلمو اللغة العربية في المرحلة الاعدادية - السنوات ٧، ٨، ٩
خطوة خطوة... نحو اتّخاذ القرار.
المحاضر: سلطان ناصر الدّين
يحتاج المتعلّم إلى نشاطات كي تَنْمُوَ فيه مهارة اتّخاذ القرار. وهذه النّشاطات تبدأ منذ المرحلة الأولى وترافقه حتّى المرحلة الإعداديّة والمرحلة الثّانويّة. ومن المفترض أن نُولي هذه النّشاطات مساحةً في عمليّة التّعليم والتّعلّم.
من المتوقّع, في نهاية هذه الورشة, أن يكون المشاركون والمشاركات قد تمكّنوا من أن:
يعرّفوا بمهارة اتّخاذ القرار.
يجروا نشاطات متنوّعة لتنمية مهارة اتّخاذ القرار.
الحضور: المعلمون في المراحل كافة
مهارتا الاستماع والكلام: تَعلُّمهما وتقييمهما (جزأين)
المحاضر: مازن الشيخ
تقدّم ورشة العمل هذه دليلاً عمليّاً يساعد مدرّسي اللّغة العربيّة في تطبيق نشاطات فعّالة وممتعة تعزّز اكتساب الطّلاب لمهارتيّ الاستماع والكلام من المراحل المبتدئة إلى المراحل المتقدّمة. وسيرفق بكلّ نشاط معلومات توضّح أهدافه اللّغويّة والتربويّة، وكيفيّة تحضيره وتنظيمه وتطبيقه وتعديله وفق الحاجة والمنهج، والوقت الّذي يستغرقه. كما سيتعرّف المعلّمون على وسائل عمليّة في تقييم هاتين المهارتين للتأكّد من اكتساب الطّلاب ما تعلّموه. سيستفيد من هذه الورشة معلّمي المراحل الابتدائيّة والمتوسّطة والثانويّة ومعلّمي المعاهد حيث تدرّس اللّغة العربيّة لغة ثانية.
الحضور: معلمو اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية في المراحل كافة
مهارتا القراءة والكتابة: تَعلُّمهما وتقييمهما (جزأين)
المحاضر: مازن الشيخ
تقدّم ورشة العمل هذه دليلاً عمليّاً يساعد مدرّسي اللّغة العربيّة في تطبيق نشاطات فعّالة وممتعة تعزّز اكتساب الطّلاب لمهارتيّ القراءة والكتابة من المراحل المبتدئة إلى المراحل المتقدّمة. وسيرفق بكلّ نشاط معلومات توضّح أهدافه اللّغويّة والتربويّة، وكيفيّة تحضيره وتنظيمه وتطبيقه وتعديله وفق الحاجة والمنهج، والوقت الّذي يستغرقه. كما سيتعرّف المعلّمون على وسائل عمليّة في تقييم هاتين المهارتين للتأكّد من اكتساب الطّلاب ما تعلّموه. سيستفيد من هذه الورشة معلّمي المراحل الابتدائيّة والمتوسّطة والثانويّة ومعلّمي المعاهد حيث تدرّس اللّغة العربيّة لغة ثانية.
الحضور: معلمو اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية في المراحل كافة
ثلاثة أسس ضروريّة في تعليم الرياضيات
المحاضر: طارق هرموش
جرت العادة أن يقوم معلّم الرياضيات بتقديم قاعدة الدرس، ثم يطرح أسئلة تطبيقية على هذه القاعدة، وفي بعض الحالات يقدم للدرس عبر نشاط ينفذّه مع التلاميذ، ثم يستلم زمام المبادرة ويستخلص القاعدة. ويترك للتلاميذ حل التمارين والمسائل الموجودة في الكتاب المقرر!
نحن بحاجة إلى منهجية عمل واضحة، بحاجة لأن نغيير نظرتنا للرياضيات، بحاجة إلى اتباع طرق واستراتيجيات منسجمة مع نتائج الأبحاث الجديدة في مجال أبحاث الدماغ، بحاجة إلى معرفة الأسس الضروريّة في تعليم الرياضيات.
الحضور: معلمو مادة الرياضيات للمرحلة الإبتدائية
كسر الجمود في الرياضيات
المحاضر: طارق هرموش
كثيرًا ما يقال إنّ مادّة الرّياضيّات جامدة. وكثيرًا ما نسمع نحنُ المعلّمين والمعلّمات التّلاميذ يتأفّفون: لماذا ندرس هذا المفهوم؟ وكيف نحفظ هذا القانون؟
ولذا نسأل: هل الرّياضيّات مادّة جامدة؟ وهل ثمّة مفاهيم وقوانين رياضيّة صعبة؟
إنّ الدّراسات والأبحاث والتّجارب الميدانيّة تؤكّد أنّ الرّياضيّات مادّة مَرِنة وهي مرتبطة بالحياة ارتباطًا وثيقًا. فكيف نكسر الجمود في تعليم هذه المادّة؟ وكيف نحوّل حصّة الرّياضيّات إلى متعة وفرح؟
هذه الأسئلة تجيب عنها، من خلال نشاطات حيويّة، ورشة "كَسْر الجمود".
الحضور: معلمو مادة الرياضيات للمرحلتين الإبتدائيّة والمتوسطة.
المفتاح السحري في إعداد الأنشطة
المحاضر: طارق هرموش
إن النشاط التعلّمي هو مفتاح المعرفة الجديدة، وهو المدخل الحقيقي والمضمون لإكساب التلاميذ المفاهيم الرياضيّة الجديدة.
سوف نعالج في هذه الورشة أساليب بناء الأنشطة التعلّميّة، وكيفيّة تنفيذها مع التلاميذ، من خلال تنفيذنا لأنشطة متمركز حول المتعلّم، كما سنستعرض الأسس التربوية التي تدعم فكرتنا في هذا المجال.
الحضور: معلمو مادة الرياضيات للمرحلتين الإبتدائيّة والمتوسطة.
الحساب الذّهني أم الآلة الحاسبة؟
المحاضر: طارق هرموش
كثيرًا ما نسمع الجملة التالية " الآلة الحاسبة تبلّد الذّهن"، وأطفلنا بحاجة إلى تشغيل دماغهم وليس إلى آلة حاسبة تقوم بإجراء الحسابات وتحل محل العقل!
وعلى المقلب الآخر ينادي معظم التربويون، والمجلس الوطني لمعلّمي الرياضيات (NCTM) إلى استخدام الآلة الحاسبة كعنصر أساسي في تعليم الرياضيات.
أمام هذا الواقع نرى أنّ الدليل هو خير برهان وهو الفيصل في حل هذه المعضلة.
سوف تجدون الدليل عند حضوركم ورشة العمل التي تحمل العنوان: الحساب الذّهني أم الآلة الحاسبة؟
الحضور: معلمو مادة الرياضيات في المراحل كافة
Will be updated soon