The talks are 35-40 minute long sessions. They usually present brief discussions about practical experiences or novel approaches used in schooling.

Motivation and Youth Empowerment

Effective Teaching

Social Skills



Classroom Management

Early Childhood Education


Literacy Campaign

Talks in Arabic

Motivation and Youth Empowerment

Different Cultures-Common Ground
By Tara Brown

We will identify through audience discussion, challenges faced in the classrooms across the world. We will also explore how, although the world's educational classrooms are becoming more and more culturally diverse, there are still commonalities among all students that increase engagement, motivation and achievement.

Audience: All educators

Debating 101: Essential Debating Skills for the Classroom and Beyond
By Chris Lundberg, Dr.

Debate training helps students develop, practice, and refine skills that are essential for success in all levels of school and life. These skills include oral literacy, critical thinking, reading comprehension, evidence evaluation, media literacy, research competence, active listening, and collaborative learning. This session introduces teachers to curricular and extracurricular debating, drawing on research-based best practices for use in any classroom with any subject matter.

Audience: All educators

Effective Teaching

Best Practices in Teaching Critical Thinking
By Chris Lundberg, Dr.

Critical thinking is not easy to teach, in part because it is a way of knowing rather than a specific subject to memorize. This talk will inform participants about current research in critical thinking and suggest a variety of approaches teachers can use to integrate critical thinking practice for students across the curriculum.

Audience: All educators

Relationship: The Key Variable In Learning Disabilities And School Struggling
By Richard Selznick, Dr.

As a psychologist specializing in a range of school issues, parents will come to me wanting to know how to "fix" the problem. Said one mom recently who wanted her child tested, "we need to get to the bottom of it, so we can fix it." Children are not car engines that can be fixed. Through relationship and understanding, though, kids (and parents) can find themselves with a great deal of renewed energy for overcoming their deficit areas. Helping kids connect who are becoming increasingly disconnected from school and family is the focus of this talk.

Audience: All educators

Learning Styles: From Teacher To Student
By Noella Piquette-Tomei, Dr.

The relation between the applications of a wide range of teaching strategies and effective learning in the classroom is often the subject of debate. Inextricably linked with this debate is the growing interest in how students monitor their own learning. A foundational question remains at the heart of this dispute; "Why should a teacher learn about and encourage students to discover their own learning and thinking styles?" This session will focus on replies to that question, namely three specific arguments for increased teacher and student self-knowledge of learning styles:

(1) It creates multiple paths so that students of different abilities, interest or learning needs experience equally appropriate ways to absorb, use, develop and present concepts as a part of the daily learning process;

(2) It allows students to take greater responsibility and ownership for their own learning, and;

(3) It enables the instructor to focus on the learning task of what information is necessary, whereas the students can focus on how to attain that information.

Audience: All educators

Shut-Down Learners: Adult Perspectives
By Richard Selznick, Dr.

For many years, some people struggled as they see themselves very negatively because of prior school experiences. School struggles and learning disabilities can leave deep scars that sometimes never heal. What perspective can successful adults who were once Shut-Down Learners offer to parents and teachers of today's struggling children? This perspective will be the focus of this introductory talk.

Audience: All educators

Social Skills

Survive And Thrive...Increasing Resiliency In Our Student
By Tara Brown

With increasing challenges and obstacles facing kids around the world, Resiliency is critical for overcoming, surviving and thriving into adulthood. High points of Bonnie Bernard's comprehensive research on Resiliency will be presented and discussion will be held on how we as educators have the ability to impact resiliency in our students on a daily basis.

Audience: All educators


Involving Students In Authentic Literacy Activities To Build 21st Century Reading, Writing, And Thinking Skills
By William H. Teale, Dr.

This presentation describes the use of two Internet-related projects appropriate for students 8-12 years of age. One is Internet-based inquiry projects in which students in one classroom pair up with a classroom in another part of their country or some other country around the world to study issues such as global warming, water use, habitats, biodiversity, and so forth. These projects provide a series of email exchanges in which students share data analyses related to the topic that they have collected at their local sites. The other project involves Internet 'pen pal' activities in which students are paired with adult mentors to read and discuss books around different genres and topics within those genres.
This talk will be ellaborated further in a workshop.

Audience: Teachers of Grades 3 to 6

Social Networks, Micro Blogging and User Generated Content
By Vincent O’Brien

The new wave in Information technology is Web 2.0, interactive environments in which users produce, publish and share their ideas with other users. Popular with young people, social networking sites such as My Space, Facebook and Twitter can often seem pointless and distracting to adults. Is there a way to use these technologies to support and develop more traditional learning strategies? This talk provides an overview of the latest developments in Web2.0 digital communication technologies and offers some suggestions as to how teachers might make use of these technologies to support and learning and teaching in the classroom and beyond.

Audience: All educators


The Empowerment Of Young People In A Global Context.
By Margaret Mary Kelly, MBE

The session will examine the current climate in which our young people live. It will address the changes with which they contend and draw out the opportunities, risks and challenges prominent in many of their lives. It will outline the particular issues faced by government, families and schools as they seek to give young people a combination of protection and freedom. It will highlight programmes and practice from the United Kingdom that have facilitated youth empowerment programmes. This session will be developed in a workshop and participants will have the opportunity to consider the subject within their own professional context.

Audience: All educators

Effective Leadership In Schools
By Margaret Mary Kelly, MBE

This session will explore leadership styles and the impact they have upon school effectiveness. Thinking about leadership over the last 50 years will be outlined before focussing on the most up to date research. The topic will be approached within the context of global issues ant the fast changing world that affects young people and those who educate and care for them. It will explore the extent to which leadership influences motivation and in turn staff and pupil performance. This session will be developed in a workshop where issues will be explored in more depth.

Audience: Leaders and those who aspire to leadership positions

Classrom Management

Positive Behavior Supports For Classroom Management
By Noella Piquette-Tomei, Dr.

Creating an inclusive school requires a comprehensive approach that involves all students, all staff and all school settings in supporting students who may require additional support, specifically behavioral and social interventions. Drawing upon current research and best practices, this session provides information, strategies and sample tools for systematically teaching, supporting and reinforcing positive behavior in a school setting. The integrated system of school-wide, classroom management, and individual student support is designed to provide school staff with effective strategies to improve behavioral outcomes in their school. The goal of this approach is to facilitate academic achievement and healthy affective and social development of students in a safe, supportive learning environment. This session will introduce the audience to a seamless and unified universal school wide approach, specific methods for classroom management, and a process of individualizing support for the student.

Audience: All educators

Early Childhood Education

Literacy Education in Early Childhood: What It Takes to Foster Capable, Willing Teenage Readers and Writers
By William H. Teale, Dr.

This presentation describes the necessary curriculum and instruction components of an early literacy program focused on an alphabetic language that are necessary in order to prepare children to succeed in the long run as students who can and do read and write well. Specifics related to phonological awareness, letter knowledge, comprehension, writing, vocabulary, oral language skills, and background knowledge are discussed.

Audience: Teachers of KG1 to Grade 2



We are how we live: Social Determinants of Health
By Vincent O’Brien

Our health and wellbeing is strongly influenced by the way we live. The everyday choices we make about things such as diet, exercise as well as how we understand the relationships between our chosen lifestyle and our physical and mental well being. We learn social behaviours and establish health behaviour patterns during childhood and continuously throughout our lives. These early experiences can have an important influence on how we choose to live our lives as adults and consequently on our health status in later life. In this talk I will show how health status is influenced by social, cultural and personal factors. How these are linked to behaviours learned in early childhood and how schools can develop curriculum and policy responses to respond to contemporary health problems such as overweight and obesity in childhood.

Audience: All educators

Literacy Campaign


Literacy Campaign - How teachers can take part
By Karin Ploetz

Illiteracy is still a problem worldwide. In the developed countries there is another problem: the lack of motivation to learn and to read among youth in special areas. Two projects, which face these problem will be presented: “Football meets Cultures” and a new “Cross Cultural project”, which combines new technology, traditional culture and intercultural communication. In the following discussion teachers can share their ideas and proposals for motivating to read and to learn and take part in the Literacy Campaign.The LitCam (Frankfurt Book Fair Literacy Campaign) was founded 2006 and buildt a platform for all organisations and people dealing with literacy and basic skills.


Talks in Arabic


لغة عربية




ملف الانجاز المهني  الالكتروني

نبيلة علي الميرزا

يعرف ملف الإنجاز المهني على أنه " الملف الشامل الذي يحدد كيفية الارتقاء بمستوى أداء المعلم أو مدير المدرسة.

انه الاداة لتقيم الذت. ان لهذا الملف دور كبير في تعزيز نموه المعلم المهني، وتوثيق أدائه الكترونيا في ضوء التقدم التكنولوجي الذي يحتم على المعلم ومدير المدرسة التسلح بأدوات المستقبل التي تؤهله أن يكون في مقدمة المصاف على المستوى المحلي والدولي والعالمي  وبالتالي  تشجيعه على التنمية المستدامة  خلال المسار الوظيفي  وتتيح له فرصة التقييم الذاتي .

أهداف ملف الانجاز الالكتروني

ضمان الحصول على تغذية راجعة من خلال التقييم المستمر.

تقديم أدلة ملموسة وواقعية عن النشاطات والأداء المهني

توفير صورة متكاملة عن الممارسات الميدانية.

إمكانية الحصول على الاحتياجات التدريبية للارتقاء بالأداء المهني

 الحضور: المعلم – مدير المدرسة


إذا لم تتمكن من الانضمام اليهم تغلب عليهم
المحاضرة: رغدة جابر

تقدم هذه الحلقة مقترحات لإدخال تكنولوجيا المعلومات (تكنولوجيا المعلومات) في المناهج الدراسية في المدارس الرسمية من خلال وسائل غير تقليدية. وفي هذا الأطار سيجرب بحث المشروع النموذجي الذي نفذته السيدة جابر عام 2007، والذي يشمل 19 مدرسة رسمية في لبنان. من خلال مناقشة عملية التخطيط والتنفيذ لهذا المشروع الرائد ، يهدف العرض الى إلقاء الضوء على الافتراضات الحالية حول قدرة الطالب على استيعاب واستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات، وكذلك تحديات التطبيق التي تشمل النقص في القدرات المؤسسية والموارد البشرية التي واجهتها. وسنحاول استخلاص الدروس بشأن التحديات التي واجهها المشروع وكيفية التعامل معها.

الحضور: المعلمون في المراحل كافة

لغة عربية

تعلم اللغة العربية في مرحلة رياض الأطفال
المحاضرة: هنادي دية

تركز هذه المحاضرة في مضمونها على تعليم اللغة العربية في مرحلة رياض الأطفال، وتقدم تعريفات بالمقاربات السائدة حاليا في تعليم العربية في هذه المرحلة. وتطرح المحاضرة أسئلة من شأنها إعادة النظر في السائد وتقييمه كما وتقدم لمقاربات جديدة تهدف إلى تطوير تعليم العربية للأطفال.

الحضور: معلمو اللغة العربية في مرحلة رياض الأطفال


المستند المرئي وتطوير مهارة التخاطب الشفهي
المحاضرة: هنادي دية

تلقي هذه المحاضرة الضوء على أهمية استخدام المستندات المرئية في تطوير مهارتي الاستماع والتخاطب عند المتعلمين. وتقدم المحاضرة خطوات عملية لتدريب المتعلمين على قراءة المستند المرئي وتحضيرهم لتقديم عروض شفهية تساهم في تطوير مهارتي التخاطب الشفهي.

الحضور: المعلمون في المراحل كافة


الملاحظة... باب من أبواب التّفكير.
المحاضر: سلطان ناصر الدّين

هذه الدّردشة تهدف إلى تسليط الضّوء على مهارة الملاحظة وكيفيّة إجراء نشاطات تتعلّق بها وبيان أهمّيّتها في تنشيط الفكر.

الحضور: المعلمون في المراحل كافة

المقارنة... تُنْعِشُ الفكر.
المحاضر: سلطان ناصر الدّين

هذه الدّردشة تهدف, من خلال شواهد حيّة, إلى التّعريف بالمقارنة وبيان أهمّيّتها في تنشيط الفكر.

الحضور: المعلمون في المراحل كافة


مهارتا الاستماع والكلام: تَعلُّمهما وتقييمهما
المحاضر: مازن الشيخ

تتناول هذه المحاضرة التحدّيات الرّاهنة التي تواجه مدرّسي اللّغة العربيّة في تعليم مهارتي الاستماع والكلام.

الحضور: المعلمون في المراحل كافة


مهارتا القراءة والكتابة: تَعلُّمهما وتقييمهما
المحاضر: مازن الشيخ

تتناول هذه المحاضرة التحدّيات الرّاهنة التي تواجه مدرّسي اللّغة العربيّة في تعليم مهارتي القراءة والكتابة.

الحضور: المعلمون في المراحل كافة



نحو صف تفاعلي في الرياضيات
المحاضر: طارق هرموش

نعيش اليوم في عصر المعلومات، والعالم بدأ يغيّر نظرته لعملّية التعليم- التعلّم وبدأ يتّجه نحو استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة في غرفة الصّف.
أين نحن من هذا التّطور؟ وكيف نستخدم التكنولوجيا الحديثة في تعليم الرياضيات؟
هذه الأسئلة وغيرها، سوف نجيب عنها خلال المحاضرة التي تحمل العنوان " نحو صف تفاعلي في الرياضيات"

الحضور: معلمو مادة الرياضيات في المراحل كافة


هكذا يتعامل الدماغ مع المفاهيم الرياضية
المحاضر: طارق هرموش

المفهوم الرياضي هو أساس أي معرفة جديدة في الرياضيات، والتركيز على اكتساب المفاهيم الرياضية هو جوهر تدريس الرياضيات، فمفهوم جمع الكسور مثلاً يختلف عن تقنية جمع الكسور. وغالباً ما يقتصر تعليم الرياضيات على التقنيات الروتينية، والبعيدة عن الواقع، فتتحول هذه المادة الممتعة التي قال عنها سقراط " إذا كان عقل الإنسان في تِيه فليدرس الرياضيات" تتحول إلى مادة جافة، ومملة للكثير من التلاميذ.
كيف يكوّن التلميذ مفهوماً جديداً في الرياضيات، متوافقاً مع طبيعة عمل الدماغ ومتوافقاً أيضاً مع المرحلة العمرية للتلميذ؟
هذه الأسئلة وغيرها، سوف نجيب عنها خلال المحاضرة التي تحمل العنوان " هكذا يتعامل الدماغ مع المفاهيم الرياضية"

الحضور: معلمو مادة الرياضيات في المراحل كافة


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